Wednesday, November 23, 2005

What Do CEOs Want Now?

At about this time every year Accenture releases the findings of its annual research with hundreds of CEOs from around the world. This year Accenture questioned more than 400 leaders of the largest corporations and public-sector organizations worldwide. The questions basically ask, “What are your biggest concerns?” These are the issues that keep CEOs awake at night.

As consultants and managers, we want to know these concerns and offer solutions. By offering solutions to these troublesome issues we enhance our value in our clients’ eyes, and thus build more successful careers.

For all of you who want to get behind the closed doors of the executive suite to find out what’s going on--listen up!

CEOs told Accenture that people issues are their greatest concerns. Attracting and retaining skilled staff ranked as their number one concern. Approximately 40% of these executives fear that their organization will not be able to compete for talent. If you expertise is in the field of talent management, you have valuable knowledge.

The number two concern of the CEOs was changing organizational culture and employee attitudes. The brutal cost cutting in recent years has taken a toll on employee loyalty.

So, how can you use these findings to further your career as a consultant or manager? Here are a few suggestions:

1. Schedule a meeting with senior organizational leaders to discuss the findings of the Accenture survey. Listen carefully and take a lot of notes.

2. Discuss the Accenture findings in your community of practice (see my July 13, 2005 newsletter in the Archives section of my website). Work with your colleagues to develop solutions for organizational leaders.

3. Be proactive. Write a report on these issues for your clients or your boss.

To learn more about improving organizational effectiveness read my book, “Strategic Organizational Change.” And for free articles and resources on organizational and individual effectiveness visit my website